In May 2020, I became a member of the Assemblage Collective. It's a new kind of Youth Collective consisting of over 20 multi-disciplinary creatives who find inspiration in the collaborative work and help each other on the way to their professional career. I volunteered to draw portraits for the collective, even though I had doubts about my ability. It was challenging at the start, but I began to gain some confidence in the process. Later, when I was asked to draw new members (half a year later), I enjoyed the process without any doubt.
Below you can see the process behind the creation of two portraits for Tascha and Josh

Some more ready portraits!

These portraits have quickly found their way into the online spaces which Assemblage inhabits, and they were interpreted in various ways! Including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the website itself.

To take a look at the website, feel free to click on either of the images below!
For anyone who is interested in joining the collective or collaborating, feel free to connect with us via email or socials below!